Monday, May 23, 2011

Let's kick this into gear

Really, I mean posts once a blue moon. Time to pick up the pace and actually blog about what my header says.

Ok, the best cell phone (PDA) - is one that works. It makes calls, it receives call and does not DROP calls. Don't get me wrong, I love the Droid / Blackberry's/ iPhones and all of the extra functions. But there is a trade off for the extra toys, and trade offs normally come at the expense of performance. Race cars don't come with air conditioning, radios, or a center console. They just go and go fast.

My views about the country and curent direction. JEEZ.... It's frustrating at best. How do you balance the fact that the whole crap shoot has gone down the toilet with the knowledge that as a Christian you know it has too. For those in the know, I wounder how you deal. For those who are unclear, I keep it brief. The World (not just the little US of A) has to fall into kaos so the anti Christ can assume power based on the pretence that he (or she) will bring the peace the world so desperately seeks.


The kick in the groin is that Christianity in it's true NON religified form is one of peace. Hence the cute but quaint bumper stickers "No Jesus NO peace, Know Jesus Know Peace". NO other religion encourages to "PRAY for those" who do you wrong, "Turn the other cheek" if they should strike you (I believe that verse covers both physically, mentally or emotionally) "Love your enemies" "Care for the widow and orphans for this is true religion" NO WHERE in the NEW TESTAMENT do I read anything about Violence. But, maybe it's so obvious you can't see the forest for the trees. I think the biggest problems the world has with Christianity is their personal conviction for the life they lead or are leading. Like, you shouldn't be gay (homosexual), but it's not hated like divorce is?? Don't be a drunk, don't curse, yada yada yada... Really Your hang up with Christ is the lifestyle you live?? Radical Muslims KILL Homosexuals, they mistreat their women, and for them it's OK to Kill those who refuse to convert - I mean WHAT is up with that?

PERSONAL RANT NOW OVER - Back to our normally sane Goofball

Where was I!? I forget - getting old sucks... Oh yes, the outline for the BLOG. PDA's Check, Where the country is going, check. Personal opinion, check. I'm going to make this public for all to see, so be warned.

Again PLEASE for the love of (whatever god, or lack of god), keep all post clean.

Thank you in advance for your opinions, Hope you have a great day.

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